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Secret Mars: Researching Evidence For Ancient Intelligent Life on the Red Planet
Secret Mars
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M. J. Craig, Mars Exoarchaeology Archive.
M. J. Craig, Secret Mars
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Mission Statement:
Potential Exoarchaeological Artefacts and Structures on the Planet Mars
Is it possible to discover exoarchaeological evidence on the Planet Mars?
​Without trained archaeologists landing on the surface and examining closely any potential artefacts, it is problematic. However, a robotic arm could get in very close, turn an object over, and examine it, while onboard cameras could take some highly detailed images for analysis.
Also from orbit, high resolution images from the HiRISE camera (which can resolve objects at 25 cm per digital pixel), would be able to help identify any potential partially buried Martian buildings and sites of previous settlement, in the same way that archaeologists use aerial photography and Google Earth satellite imaging, to discover and identify such ancient structures and buried sites here on our own planet.
Possible Evidence of Martian Exoarchaeology Has Not Been Examined by NASA
​So the possibility is there, and on Mars we do have the tools. But as of this date, August 2017, no archaeological science has been pursued on Mars by NASA, and no anomalous objects have been examined closely by the Mars Rovers as potential Martian artefacts.
This means that only far less detailed pictures of possible artefacts on the Martian surface are available for study to researchers - those which are several metres or more distant. A situation which unfortunately leaves the door wide open for a variety of causes for misinterpretation: geometrically-shaped geological formations; tricks of light, shadow and perspective; image blurring and distortion; mind tricks and fantasy.
However, despite the probability that most unusual objects will be explained away by one of these valid explanations, some very interesting anomalous objects with strong artificial signatures have nonetheless been found in the Mars images by amateur researchers, and that given the remarkable details revealed in these pictures, we have found them compelling enough to seriously ask:
"Should science be studying the thousands of images from Mars, for signs of a possible past civilization?"
​Exoarchaeology on Mars Should be a NASA Science Priority
One day science may indeed have to reappraise Mars as a world that was once inhabited, at which point the presently 'theoretical' science of exoarchaeology will without doubt be placed firmly on the planning table for future missions to the Red Planet. But the purpose of this research project is to show that such evidence may already exist in the Mars images, and it appears that nobody in the science community - not the least NASA - is publicly studying this potential, world-changing data.
Given the tremendous and profound import of such a discovery, you would think that exoarchaeological research would be at the very top of the list for science mission priorities to Mars and indeed throughout the solar system. Indeed, one might draw attention to NASA's own report commissioned from the Brookings Institute in 1959, that quite rationally and soberly discussed the possibility of finding such artefacts left behind by advanced civilizations on the planets and moons in our cosmic neighbourhood.
The Search for Evidence of E.T. on Mars is Ridiculed by Science
And yet strangely, even with the ever-expanding scientific realization that our galaxy is likely to be populated extensively with life-bearing planets, and thus potentially, intelligent space-faring civilizations, the prospect of finding a ruined building, a tool, or even a piece of ancient technology from an extraterrestrial source on Mars - a planet let's remember, that we know was once very Earth-like and capable of sustaining life - remains currently a source of amusement and ridicule from NASA and the scientific establishment; a subject regarded as suitable only for outrageous conspiracy theorists and the 'intellectually challenged'.
Well, time will be the judge of that stance and attitude. In the meantime, we hope that researchers, professionals, and scientists, who hold more respect for what the universe may be attempting to unfold before us, will find our Mars reports and images archived here to be of interest, and perhaps worthy of deeper and more serious study than has hitherto been afforded to this fascinating possibility.
M. J. Craig
Author of "Secret Mars"