New Books Due 2025
New Books Due: 2025

Volumes 1 and 2
by M. J. Craig
Evidence of Intelligent Life & Civilization on the Planet Mars
Revealed by Remote Viewing, Past Lives, & Secret Space Missions
In M. J. Craig's first book Secret Mars, the author presented evidence to support the hypothesis that Mars used to be inhabited by an intelligent civilization. He did this by examining numerous space agency images to show that possible ancient archaeological remains still exist on the Martian surface.
In his new 2-book series Memories of Mars, the author examines two more areas of research to shed light on the mystery of Mars:
Volume 1: Secret Missions to Mars - testimonies from people who claim to have travelled to Mars under the guise of a secret space programme, and historical references that might support the existence of such a programme, including colonization. Testimonies from people who claim to have
Volume 2: Remote Viewing Mars - human perception data from Remote Viewing and Hypnotic Regression that reveal possible details of civilizations that may have lived on Mars; the Martian people and what became of them; and the possibility that Mars may still be inhabited by their ancestors, or that they even came to Earth.
BOOKS DELAYED UNTIL EARLY 2025! Publishing of this project has endured several delays - due to global issues as well as working on a Mars documentary film. Thank you for your patience. All being well, 2025 will be it :) - M J Craig