MIA045: Crater Pyramid

MIA045: Crater Pyramid
Mars Report Ref: MIA045
Report date: December 2020
Research Status: Open - Possible artificial structure
Description: Crater Pyramid
Approximate size: 1 km wide, 600 metres high** (**Mark J. Carlotto, "Martian Enigmas", p.90)
Mission: Mars Odyssey/THEMIS
Location: Deuteronilius Mensae, Center Latitude 46.387997°, Center Longitude 6.755114°
Identified by: John E. Brandenburg
Image date: Jan 2006
Image credits: NASA/JPL/ASU
Graphics/image editing: Mars Archaeology Archive
NASA Image sources:
Mars Odyssey THEMIS V12120005 (2006):
Viking Orbiter: (official image source to be located)
Located in Deuteronilius Mensae, about 750 kilometres (470 miles) north-east of the Cydonia region, it is the tallest object within a 100 kilometres radius (60 miles), standing some 600 metres high (2,000 feet) and a kilometre across.
Strangely, it sits perched on the edge of an impact crater, where one would expect it to have been obliterated by the meteorite impact a very long time ago. This gives rise to the strong likelihood that it came into being AFTER the crater was formed, but how? Is this massive object simply a very isolated lone mountain? Is it a structure built by some ancient race that lived on Mars? Certainly there is the indication of four sides, eroded and worn, maybe pyramid shaped.
1. It is the tallest object within a 100 kilometre (60 mile) radius.
2. It sits directly on the perimeter of a meteorite impact crater, which should have destroyed it.
3. A pyramidal shape is indicated by four sides, eroded and worn.
4. A clear wedge-shaped formation is located south-west of the pyramidal object, suggesting a possible secondary artificial structure.
A small isolated mountain.​

MIA045.1 The Crater Pyramid, Mars Archaeology Report, media post.

MIA045.2 The Crater Pyramid, Mars Odyssey image THEMIS: V12120005 (2006)
Image credit: NASA/JPL/ASU