MIA025: Tetrahedral Feature

MIA025: Tetrahedral Feature
Mars Report Ref: MIA025
Report date: July-August 2017
Research Status: Open - Possible building/monument
Description: Tetrahedral Feature
Approximate size: 250 m / 820 ft
Image resolution/pixel size: 26 cm
Mission: MRO/HiRISE
Location: West Candor Chasma
Found by: Keith Laney
Image date: March 2007
Image credit: NASA/JPL/University of Arizona
Graphics/image editing: M. J. Craig
Image sources: (1) LOW RESOLUTION IMAGE: https://hirise-pds.lpl.arizona.edu/PDS/EXTRAS/RDR/PSP/ORB_002800_002899/PSP_002841_1740/PSP_002841_1740_MRGB.abrowse.jpg
(2) HIGH RESOLUTION IMAGE JP2 "RGB color non-map" version: https://hirise.lpl.arizona.edu/PSP_002841_1740
Further research: "The Candor Tetrahedron" by Keith Laney http://thehiddenmission.com/CandorTetrahedron.html
This is a remarkable feature which as the discoverer (K. Laney) justifiably states, "Were this found anywhere on Earth, we'd surely be digging into it." If other anomalous features in the same area could be identified, this would provide corroborative support that we may indeed be looking at an artificial construction.
The pronounced tetrahedral shape. Similarity in base size with the Great Pyramid at Giza (which is 230 m / 756 ft), suggesting perhaps a prehistoric cultural connection.
A hill sculpted by erosive winds.

MIA025.2 Tetrahedral Feature: Close-up of the peak, with perhaps the suggestion of a pinnacle artefact.
Image credit: NASA/JPL/University of Arizona/Enhancement by Keith Laney https://thehiddenmission.com/CandorTetrahedron.html