MIA009: Tubular Features

MIA009: Tubular Features
Mars Report Ref: MIA009
Report Date: July-August 2017
Research Status: Open - Possible construction/technology
Description: Tubular Features
Approximate size: 1.5 km
Mission image/date: MGS January 2000
Pixel width: 4.34 m
Location: Aram Chaos
Found by: J. P. Skipper
Image credits: NASA/JPL/MSSS
Graphics/image editing: M. J. Craig
Image source: See image captions
When first discovered by J.P. Skipper, this feature was presented as a possible example of artificial pipes spewing liquid. The low pixel size however will limit the possibility of that determination.
What is for certain, is that the area to the north and north-west, shows several lighter variations of the dark shapes and linear striations that make up the tubular features and the 'spray', strongly indicating their origin is one and the same (See MIA009.3).
This suggests that the 'tubes or pipes' are either newer formations, or that reflections of light and shadow play is responsible for their prominent appearance in the image.
Two tube-like formations each over 1 km in length, suggesting artificial constructions, with one of them possibly gushing liquid/spray.
Ground level illusions caused by reflective light and shadows. Misinterpretation of geological features.

MIA009.2 Tubular Features: Close-up - MGS 2000
​Image credit: NASA/JPL/MSSS

MIA009.1 Tubular Features: Distance
​Image credit: NASA/JPL/MSSS
Original Image source (image shown) no longer available at MSSS: http://www.msss.com/moc_gallery/m07_m12/nonmaps/M11/M1100099.gif
PDS image source: https://ida.wr.usgs.gov/fullres/divided/m11000/m1100099d.jpg

MIA009.3 Tubular Features: Area to the north showing muted but identical shapes to the dark features and 'spray'
​Image credit: NASA/JPL/MSSS