Evidence of Past & Present Life on the Red Planet
Book: Secret Mars - Just the Pictures!
Book: "Secret Mars - Just the Pictures!"
BUY Secret Mars: Just the Pictures!
Just the Pictures!
​by M. J. Craig
* 60-page Introductory eBook Edition, to "Secret Mars: The Alien Connection"
60 pages, 30 colour images/20 black & white
SECRET MARS: JUST THE PICTURES! - Presents some of the best space agency images showing possible signs of life and civilization on the Planet Mars. This edition is specifically designed for people who want to quickly and easily check out those images.
WHY has NASA not announced to the world the greatest scientific discovery ever made in the history of space exploration?
Do you want to know what has REALLY been discovered by the Orbiters and Rovers on the Planet Mars?
SECRET MARS: JUST THE PICTURES! - Invites you to take a look at some astounding pictures of possible relics and mechanical artefacts that may belong to an ancient civilization on Mars! Also, some fascinating images of potential bones and fossils of Martian creatures.
Is NASA keeping quiet about some incredible discoveries made on the Planet Mars?
Browse through the official space agency pictures and decide for yourself...​​