MIA008: Rectangular Feature

Mars Report Ref: MIA008
Report Date: July-August 2017
Research Status: Open - Possible remnant walls of building
Description: Rectangular Feature
Approximate size: 1.7 km
Mission image/date: MGS November 2001
Location: Arabia Terra
Found by: Richard C. Hoagland
Image credits: NASA/JPL/MSSS
Graphics/image editing: Mars Archaeology Archive
Image source: Original image sources from MOC/MGS and PDS all no longer function, as NASA continue to move around their image databases to (intentionally?) disrupt public archives of Mars imagery. However, here is a currently stable link (2025) to the image: https://viewer.mars.asu.edu/planetview/inst/moc/E1000462#T=2&P=E1000462
The terrain north and south of this rectangular feature reveals ridged, angled, linear formations of a somewhat similar appearance, that one would presume to be geological in nature (MR008.3).
Two right-angled corners directly opposite to each other, suggest the eroded remains of walls from a rectangular-shaped building.
Underlying rock strata exposed by erosion of surrounding softer rock.
MIA008: Rectangular Feature

MIA008.3 Rectangular Feature: Linear Features to the North - MGS 2001
Image credit: NASA/JPL/MSSS
Image source: See MR008.1

MIA008.1 Rectangular Feature - MGS 2001
​Image credit: NASA/JPL/MSSS
Original Image sources (image shown) but no longer available at MSSS: http://www.msss.com/moc_gallery/e07_e12/full_jpg_non_map/E10/E1000462.jpg
ASU Mars Image Explorer: https://viewer.mars.asu.edu/planetview/inst/moc/E1000462#T=2&P=E1000462

MIA008.2 Rectangular Feature: Eroded walls from ancient building? - MGS 2001
​Image credit: NASA/JPL/MSSS
Image source: See MAA-008.1