In 1959, the newly formed NASA wanted to understand what the possible implications would be of their future explorations into space and so commissioned the “Brookings Report”.
On page 215, a section titled “Implications of a Discovery of Extraterrestrial Life” had some striking things to say on this subject, although entirely reasonable and rational: “Cosmologists and astronomers think it very likely there is intelligent life in many other solar systems . . . artifacts left at some point in time by these life forms might possibly be discovered through our space activities on the Moon, Mars or Venus.”
And on page 216:
“How might such information, under what circumstances, be presented to or withheld from the public for what ends?”
The report acknowledged that finding alien artefacts on other worlds was a real possibility and asked whether, if found, this information should be kept from the public. Did the government and NASA draw up a contingency plan as to what they were going to DO if extraterrestrial discoveries were made?
Of course they did, and today we witness every day the results of that decision: No official discussion regarding the matter of intelligent extraterrestrial activity in our solar system, whether on Mars, the Earth or anywhere else...
M J Craig www.secretmars.com
Book “Secret Mars” by M J Craig https://www.secretmars.com
"Proposed Studies on the Implications of Peaceful Space Activities for Human Affairs" (Brookings Report): https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=mdp.39015003453936;view=1up;seq=1